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DHC 패널들, 지상파에서까지..'입에 담기 힘든' 망언

뉴스 조회수 : 1,458
작성일 : 2019-08-18 02:12:06
IP : 221.150.xxx.56
3 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 진짜
    '19.8.18 2:34 AM (125.178.xxx.135)

    이영채 교수, 일본 방송에 패널로 자주 나와 싸운다던데
    속이 시커멓겠어요.

  • 2. peter313
    '19.8.18 3:56 AM (68.195.xxx.243)

    Well, in history, the Japs used to be nothing more than herds of sea dogs, or
    looters who used to ransack the coastal villages of Korea and murder the innocent
    people for centuries. Listen, Japs! Isn't true? While Korea was sleeping with her gate
    closed to the outside world, Japs imported the Western technology ahead of Korea,
    particularly, the military tactics only to satisfy their beastly avarice to raid and
    take over the neighboring countries. It was nothing more than a primary desire,
    which can be seen in an uncivilized or uneducated people. It's a pity, however,
    these dogs failed to import the Western philosophy or their sense of value,
    especially about humanity. First, they rejected Christianity from spreading into
    the island. This was why the stupendous wars of epic scales, such as WWII,
    could burgeon in the minds of sea-dogs. What's the best to treat these animals?
    Well, personally, I would send them to an animal shelter and euthanize them.

  • 3. ..
    '19.8.18 7:08 AM (121.160.xxx.2)

    takeda tsuneyasu 로 검색하니 유튜브에 뜨네요. 싫어요나 증오컨텐츠 신고합시다.

☞ 로그인 후 의견을 남기실 수 있습니다
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