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Love Actually #21

| 조회수 : 2,358 | 추천수 : 0
작성일 : 2013-10-28 07:48:51

[Scene #66]



Joe   :   What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be at Elton John's.

Billy   :  Well, I was there for a minute or two and then I had an epiphany.

Joe   :  Really?

Billy   :  Yeah.

Joe   :  Come on. Just come up. So what was this epiphany?

Billy   :  Erm, it...it was about Christmas.

Joe   :  You realized that it was all around.

Billy  :  No. I realized that Christmas is the time to be with the people you love.

Joe   :  Right.

Billy  :  And I realized that, as dire chance and fateful cock-up would have it, here I am, mid-fifties,

            an d without knowing it, I've gone and spent most of my adult life with a chubby employee.

            And, much as it grieves me to say it, it might be that the people I love is, in fact... you.

Joe   :  Well, this is a surprise.

Billy  :  Yeah.

Joe   :  Ten minutes at Elton John's and you're gay as a maypole.

Billy  :  No, look. I'm serious here. I left Elton's and a hefty number of half-naked chicks with their mouths open

            in order to hang out with you at Christmas.

Joe   :  Well, Bill...

Billy  :  It's a terrible, terrible mistake, chubs... but you turn out to be the fucking love of my life. And to be honest,

            despite all my complaining... we have had a wonderful life.

Joe   :  Well... thank you. I mean, come on, it's been an honour. I feel very proud.

Billy  :  Oh, look, don't be a moron. Come on, let's get pissed and watch porn.



[Scene #67]



Natalie's Card :

<Dear sir, Dear David,

'Merry Christmas and I hope you have a very happy New Year.

I'm very sorry about the thing that happened. It was a very odd moment and I feel like a prize idiot.

Particularly because - if you can't say it at Christmas, when can you, eh? - I'm actually yours.

With LOVE. xxx Your Natalie.>


PM          :  Jack, yeah, I need a car. Right now. Thank you.

                   (to staffs) Oh, don't wait up.

                   (to driver)  I'd like to go to Wandsworth, the dodgy end.

Terry       :  Very good, sir. Harris Street. What number, sir?

PM          :  Oh, God, it's the longest street in the world and I have absolutely no idea.


PM          :  Hello, does Natalie live here?

Woman  :  No.

PM          :  Right, fine, thank you. Sorry to disturb.

Woman  :  Here, aren't... Aren't you the Prime Minister?

PM          :  Er, yes. In fact, I am. Merry Christmas.

Woman  :  Oh.

PM          :  Part of the service now. Trying to get round everyone by New Year's Eve.


PM          :  Ah. Hello. Does Natalie live here?

Kids        :  No, she doesn't.

PM          :  Oh dear. OK.

Kids        :  Are you singing carols?

PM          :  Er, no. No, I'm not.

Kids        :  Please, sir, please. Please.

PM          :  Well, I suppose I could.

Kids        :  Please.

PM          :  All right.



♪ Good King Wenceslas looked out ♪ On the feast of Stephen

♪ When the snow lay round about ♪ Deep and crisp and even

♪ Brightly shone the moon that night ♪

13 개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • 1. 뽁찌
    '13.10.28 7:49 AM

    Joe : What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be at Elton John's.
    Billy : Well, I was there for a minute or two and then I had an epiphany.
    Joe : Really?
    Billy : Yeah.

  • 무진
    '13.11.2 11:43 AM

    J : 자네, 도대체 여기서 뭐하는거야? 엘튼 존과 있기로 했잖아.
    B : 음, 잠깐 거기에 있었고, 어떤걸 깨달았지.
    J : 정말로?
    B : 그래.

    * epiphany : 현현, 깨달음
    현현(epiphany)평범하고 일상적인 대상 속에서 갑자기 경험하는 영원한 것에 대한 감각 혹은 통찰을 뜻하는 말. 원래 'epiphany'는 그리스어로 '귀한 것이 나타난다'는 뜻이며, 기독교에서는 신의 존재가 현세에 드러난다는 의미로 사용되어 왔다.

    평범한 대상이나 풍경이 주는 돌연한 계시의 체험은 영국의 낭만파 시인들에 의해 일찌감치 주목된 바 있다. 윌리엄 워즈워스(W. Wordsworth)의 『서곡(Prelude)』에는 현현의 순간들이 인상적으로 묘사되어 있으며, 셸리(P. B. Shelley)는 이러한 경험이 시를 영원하게 만드는 계시의 "순간들"(moments)이라 말했다.

    그러나 이 개념을 현대문학의 중요한 비평용어로 정립하는 데 결정적으로 공헌한 사람은 아일랜드의 소설가 제임스 조이스(James Joyce)이다. 그는 자신의 소설 『스티븐 히어로우(Stephen Hero)』에서 현현을 언어나 몸짓의 비속성 또는 마음 자체의 인상적인 국면에서 나타나는 "돌연한 정신적 현시"(sudden spiritual manifestation)로 정의하고, 문학자의 임무는 세심한 주의를 기울여 이를 기록하는 것이라 강조했다. 조이스는 원래 종교적 색채가 강했던 이 용어를 세속적인 경험에 끌어들여 독특한 미학이론으로 발전시켰을 뿐만 아니라, 『젊은 예술가의 초상(A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man)』, 『율리시즈(Ulysses)』, 『피네건의 경야(Finnegan's Wake)』 등 자신의 중요한 소설 창작에 현현의 기법을 직접 적용시켰다.

    조이스 이후 이 용어는 미학적 경험, 소설의 기법 등과 관련하여 폭넓게 사용되고 있으며, 버지니아 울프(Virginia Woolf)를 비롯, 윌리엄 포크너(William Faulkner), 토마스 핀천(Thomas Pynchon) 등에 이르는 현대 작가들에게 커다란 영향을 미쳤다.(진정석)

    참고문헌Morris Beja, Epiphany in the Modern Novel, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1971.
    민태운, 『제임스 조이스의 소설』, 전남대출판부, 2001.

  • 2. 뽁찌
    '13.10.28 7:49 AM

    Joe : Come on. Just come up. So what was this epiphany?
    Billy : Erm, it...it was about Christmas.
    Joe : You realized that it was all around.
    Billy : No. I realized that Christmas is the time to be with the people you love.
    Joe : Right.

  • 3. 뽁찌
    '13.10.28 7:49 AM

    Billy :
    And I realized that, as dire chance and fateful cock-up would have it, here I am, mid-fifties,
    and without knowing it, I've gone and spent most of my adult life with a chubby employee.
    And, much as it grieves me to say it, it might be that the people I love is, in fact... you.

  • 4. 뽁찌
    '13.10.28 7:50 AM

    Joe : Well, this is a surprise.
    Billy : Yeah.
    Joe : Ten minutes at Elton John's and you're gay as a maypole.

  • 5. 뽁찌
    '13.10.28 7:50 AM

    Billy : No, look. I'm serious here. I left Elton's and a hefty number of half-naked chicks with their mouths open in order to hang out with you at Christmas.

    Joe : Well, Bill...

  • 6. 뽁찌
    '13.10.28 7:50 AM

    Billy : It's a terrible, terrible mistake, chubs... but you turn out to be the fucking love of my life. And to be honest, despite all my complaining... we have had a wonderful life.
    Joe : Well... thank you. I mean, come on, it's been an honour. I feel very proud.
    Billy : Oh, look, don't be a moron. Come on, let's get pissed and watch porn.

  • 7. 뽁찌
    '13.10.28 7:52 AM

    Natalie's Card :

    Dear sir, Dear David,

    'Merry Christmas and I hope you have a very happy New Year.
    I'm very sorry about the thing that happened. It was a very odd moment and I feel like a prize idiot.
    Particularly because - if you can't say it at Christmas, when can you, eh? - I'm actually yours.

    With LOVE. xxx Your Natalie.

  • 8. 뽁찌
    '13.10.28 7:52 AM

    PM :
    Jack, yeah, I need a car. Right now. Thank you.
    (to staffs) Oh, don't wait up.
    (to driver) I'd like to go to Wandsworth, the dodgy end.

    Terry : Very good, sir. Harris Street. What number, sir?
    PM : Oh, God, it's the longest street in the world and I have absolutely no idea.

  • 9. 뽁찌
    '13.10.28 7:52 AM

    PM : Hello, does Natalie live here?
    Woman : No.
    PM : Right, fine, thank you. Sorry to disturb.

  • 10. 뽁찌
    '13.10.28 7:53 AM

    Woman : Here, aren't... Aren't you the Prime Minister?
    PM : Er, yes. In fact, I am. Merry Christmas.
    Woman : Oh.
    PM : Part of the service now. Trying to get round everyone by New Year's Eve.

  • 11. 뽁찌
    '13.10.28 7:53 AM

    PM : Ah. Hello. Does Natalie live here?
    Kids : No, she doesn't.
    PM : Oh dear. OK.

  • 12. 뽁찌
    '13.10.28 7:53 AM

    Kids : Are you singing carols?
    PM : Er, no. No, I'm not.
    Kids : Please, sir, please. Please.
    PM : Well, I suppose I could.
    Kids : Please.
    PM : All right.

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